
[자료실]방언 은사의 경계들-Poythress(영문)

V.D.M. 이스데반 2019. 10. 8. 15:47

The Boundaries of the Gift of Tongues: With Implications for Cessationism and Continuationism


Speaking in tongues potentially includes three subcategories: (1) known language; (2) unknown language; and (3) language-like utterance—an utterance consists of language-like sounds but does not belong to any actual human language. Category (3) occurs today in charismatic circles. Given that the church in Corinth was permissive, it can be inferred that category (3) may have occurred at Corinth. Moreover, each of the three categories can occur either in inspired, infallible form or noninspired, fallible form. Thus, it is possible to hold a cessationist view of inspiration (no more infallible utterances) and a continuationist view with respect to noninspired forms. (전문보기)