
빌리 그레이엄에게서 배우는 3가지 교훈(영문)-스티븐 로슨

V.D.M. 이스데반 2019. 5. 9. 09:18

링크: Three Lessons From the Extraordinary Life of Billy Graham


Three Lessons From the Extraordinary Life of Billy Graham


As we learned yesterday about the loss of Billy Graham, it is with a great deal of sadness that we say farewell to this extraordinary figure. Perhaps never again—certainly not within our life time—will we witness an evangelist with such a global outreach. He became a figure larger than life, and he did so by only preaching the simple message of the saving gospel of Jesus Christ.


Early in my ministry it was my privilege to work alongside the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, and that experience left a positive and profound impact upon my life. Here was a man who preached the gospel and attempted to reach large numbers of people for Christ. For this example, I will always be grateful.


Allow me to reflect upon my time with his ministry, and to share a few lessons I learned from my partnership with his efforts to win the lost to Christ.(전문보기)